Membership Application for the Fire Serpent Tantra Kundalini Mystery School. *** Send your response to Mystress Angelique Serpent Subject line: Fire Serpent Tantra Membership Application The subject line filters your email, else it may end up in the trash. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you for your interest. Your privacy is very important to me; your responses will be stored securely offline and will not be shared with anyone. Timeline: Applications will be reviewed weekly. Successful applications will get a response with tuition payment instructions. Successful applicants who have paid tuition will be added on the 1st day of each month, and get a confirmation email with login instructions. Priestess Discretion: I ask many, very personal questions in this form, and I am choosing a simple email response option for the benefits of privacy and security. Web forms all want to save your responses to an online database and I have no need of that: - Your response will be stored securely on my private home computer, behind two firewalls. - No web form to get hacked or spammed. - Your information is not backed up to any online database. - Cannot hack a database if it does not exist. - My VPS is in Canada, which has online privacy laws forbidding spyware. - My email server is secure and encrypted, and has its own layers of anti-virus, anti-spam, anti-malware etc. - I download my email with vintage email software that stores my emails in an unusual format that is too rare to be targeted, and does not automatically open attached files. - I keep my antivirus software up to date, at home and on the server. If your application is accepted, only your : username encrypted password email address membership activation date ... will be added to hidden, secure files on the server for the purposes of member access, and email notifications. I collect addresses for the rare occasion of sending gifts, and the even rarer possibility of needing to send emergency services to your address. (Has not happened yet) I would like to make an anonymous map of the member locations: any location with a population of less than 200,000 will be hidden, showing country only, to protect member privacy. I want to get to know you a little bit, to know your challenges, goals and how to support you. Mysticism and Kundalini awakening are non-denominational and Kundalini tends to speak through your existing cultural framework. Knowing more about it, helps me to communicate with you more clearly. I have no other purpose in gathering this information, and do not use it for anything else. You can delete the above lines, if you are ready to send your application. -------- Fire Serpent Tantra Application Form Starts Here -------- There are no wrong answers; this is simply a way for me to get to know you better. Please type your response on the empty line below the question. For multiple selection, type 'Yes' in front, or delete the options you are not interested in. Your Name: Choose a username: (Case sensitive, no spaces) Create a Password: No spaces. A-z, numbers, special characters: ~`!#$%^&*()_+=-|?/\ Minumum 5, maximum 12. Repeat Password: Preferred Email: Repeat Email: Please be sure your email is correct or I cannot respond. Street Address: City or region: Province, state or area: Country: Postal code: Telephone: Birth year or birth date : day/month/year Birth gender: Your Pronouns or gender identity: How and when, did you first hear of Mystress Angelique Serpent? What is it about the mystic spiritual path that draws you? What draws you to her teachings, specifically? How do you define your religion or spiritual identity? Do you feel your Kundalini is awakened/activated? Clue: if you can feel the energy of Mystress's writing, you are awakened. Are there any mystic, paranormal, or spiritual experiences you would like to share? Do you feel you are empathic? Do you sometimes feel the emotions of others, as if the emotions are your own? If so, how do you feel about it, or deal with it? Do you have personal development goals? How do you envision your spiritual journey evolving over the next few years? Is there any aspect of your spiritual path where you feel challenged? How do you usually feel when someone challenges your beliefs, or offers constructive feedback? What would you like to share about your mental health, so I can better understand how to support you? If you have a diagnosis, are you currently receiving care? Are there some practices you use, to help you to maintain your mental and emotional well-being? What are they? How do you handle situations where you made a mistake or unintentionally hurt someone? What personal qualities do you think you need to improve? How are you working on them? Describe a failure you have experienced, and your conclusions about it. Are there any internal challenges you feel you have overcome? What do you feel are your greatest personal strengths, and how have they helped you on your spiritual path? How do you react to hearing about the success of others? How do you feel about the idea that your experience of life is affected by your beliefs, feelings, past experiences and personal judgments? Can you share a time when you helped someone, and how it felt to give without expecting anything in return? Why do you feel becoming a Fire Serpent Tantra member will help you on your spiritual path? What type of support are you seeking? Is there anything else you would like Mystress to know about you? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I have adopted a sliding scale for tuition fees: Prices are in Canadian Dollars USD and Euros are also accepted, at current exchange rates plus fees. What level of membership are you seeking? Compassionate: $150. per year - Discounted, for residents of third world countries, & low income. Regular membership: $450. year - First world countries, disposable income. Patron membership. $5000. year - Enhanced support, regular private check-ins via text chat. Payment details will be sent when your application is accepted. What is your preferred way to send the tuition? Paypal Stripe Wise Interac bank transfer (Within Canada) Check or Postal money order sent regular mail Wire transfer Tuition for Patron memberships are preferred sent by Wire, Money order or Interac, due to fees and limits of the top three online payment processors. Join the announcement email list? Yes Not now -------- Fire Serpent Tantra Application Form Ends Here -------- Thank you for taking the time to respond. I appreciate your willingness to share. Your answers are kept private and are only used to help me better assist you on your journey. Blessings, Mystress